I have this weird feeling that the Avatar can actually win at all missions because people are never ready for an Avatar list in anything except annihilation, but especially not in missions that otherwise seem to require a lot of specialists, like supplies and antenna field. It's just not worth preparing specifically for it when every other list will be so different. Yet despite killing all of our opponent's specialist, my mate and I recently lost a team game to an Avatar in Engineering deck because it stole our specialists and pressed the buttons with them. Every time I look at my lists for just about any missions I think, "an Avatar would wreck me". This is doubly the case because you usually only have one or two units that could stand up to an Avatar, and the speculo can take them out often with no worries (e.g. she crushes Zoe and Interventors, and with a WIP roll she can start behind a Hsien and kill it in CC with stealth).
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
Military Orders list-building for CanCon2017
Military orders went from being just above average to being top-tier after HSN3. The major change was that magister knights could join Hospitaller links. This dropped the price of that link by 60 points at no cost in effectiveness. Indeed, it is arguably more effective now. You have a HMG with a base BS of 17 (hits on a 20 in the good range band - on 11s with 5 dice against a TO camo sniper in cover!), a WIP13 Doctor surrounded by cubes with a MULTI rifle for fierce suppression, and 3 panzerfausts and light shotgun magisters for amazing ARO action. The magisters also have Hyper dynamics so the whole team dodges on 14 or better. Combined with 2W and ARM3 or 4, this team is extremely hard to kill, especially in a bunker.
Thursday, November 24, 2016
How I play Nomads
I want to address four themes in terms of the Nomad style: assymetric match-ups, midfield control, orders and tricksy shenanigans.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016
How to Play Steel Phalanx
As always, I think Steel Phalanx is one of the best factions to be taking to CanCon. They've just got everything you want except a flood of infiltrating specialists, and the missions where you really want that, like Tic-Tac-Toe, don't feature in the CanCon mix. They don't have all the things on my Antenna field wishlist, but they bring other tools that make up for it. Here is what I was thinking:
Yu Jing listbuilding for CanCon 2017
Yu Jing was one of my first thoughts for Cancon 2017 because they have the units to hold buttons in Antenna Field. These units need to have some combination of the following, though preferably all of them:
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