The new space marine codex seems a little out of hand (full codex leak with pictures at bloodofkittens). If you take a demi-company your army can use tactical doctrines once each per game (effectively giving you ultramarines chapter tactics, only better this edition). If you take 2 demi companies you can take razorbacks, drop pods and rhinos for free! Demi companies grant everything ob-sec, including HQ choices and the like. White scars are the same but now their infantry can also re-roll run and Khan's leadership trait is a 12" LD bubble. So for the grand price of 1850 points you can get:
Khan on bike
Command Squad with bikes, 4 grav guns, apothecary
tactical squad (5) with razorback, meltagun
tactical squad (5) with razorback, meltagun
tactical squad (5) with razorback, meltagun
Attack bike with multi-melta
Devastator squad (5) with drop pod and 4 lascannons
Chaplain on bike with auspex
tactical squad (5) with razorback, meltagun
tactical squad (5) with razorback, meltagun
tactical squad (5) with razorback, meltagun
Attack bike with multi-melta
Devastator Squad (5) with drop pod and 4 lascannons
Chapter master with bike, artificer armour, shield eternal, fist, auspex
5 scouts with combi-grav
5 scouts with combi-grav
5 scouts with combi-grav
400 points worth of free stuff. Sad-face. Scouts are now WS/BS 4. Their formation gives them stealth until they act and all their shooting on turn 1 has precision shots. They can get into range for the combi before turn 1 with infiltrate and a scout move and then kill something important with their 9 re-roll to hit (thanks to the doctrine) grav-shots.
I was worried about Eldar scatterbike lists with Wraithknights and WPP guard. This list is ready to rumble in that heavyweight fight, and I imagine there are more possibilities with imperial fists tactics with all pods. This isn't good for the game. These armies laugh at armour (meltaguns, mountains of krak grenades, grav-guns against MCs, 8 devs with rerolls to hit), monstrous creatures (all that grav, fat deathstar with preferred enemy, 8 lascannons with re-rolls) and infantry (6 heavy bolters or heavy flamers and one hell of an alpha strike) and can deploy a shit-tonne of ob-sec with durable bodies that re-roll to run and can hit and run to get even more movement, scouting forward (or outflanking against lists that are light on bodies but big on killy) thanks to Khan and even 2 empty drop pods for those maelstrom objectives you can't quite reach turn 1 or want to deny your opponent with his shitty decurion. Methinks I will be playing a lot more narrative missions from now on because competitive is getting stupid.
My suggestions to TOs would be to ban formations and detachments. They don't add anything to the game except brutal power and they are obviously a shameless cash grab from Games Workshop. Orks and Deldar will suck even more and Tyranids will have to think outside the three flying hive tyrants box, but everything else will be better. Eldar still broke but if you follow my advice from my last article - 1 heavy per 3 bikes, Wraithknight 400 points, -1 on D table for ranged D.
Khan on bike
Command Squad with bikes, 4 grav guns, apothecary
tactical squad (5) with razorback, meltagun
tactical squad (5) with razorback, meltagun
tactical squad (5) with razorback, meltagun
Attack bike with multi-melta
Devastator squad (5) with drop pod and 4 lascannons
Chaplain on bike with auspex
tactical squad (5) with razorback, meltagun
tactical squad (5) with razorback, meltagun
tactical squad (5) with razorback, meltagun
Attack bike with multi-melta
Devastator Squad (5) with drop pod and 4 lascannons
Chapter master with bike, artificer armour, shield eternal, fist, auspex
5 scouts with combi-grav
5 scouts with combi-grav
5 scouts with combi-grav
400 points worth of free stuff. Sad-face. Scouts are now WS/BS 4. Their formation gives them stealth until they act and all their shooting on turn 1 has precision shots. They can get into range for the combi before turn 1 with infiltrate and a scout move and then kill something important with their 9 re-roll to hit (thanks to the doctrine) grav-shots.
I was worried about Eldar scatterbike lists with Wraithknights and WPP guard. This list is ready to rumble in that heavyweight fight, and I imagine there are more possibilities with imperial fists tactics with all pods. This isn't good for the game. These armies laugh at armour (meltaguns, mountains of krak grenades, grav-guns against MCs, 8 devs with rerolls to hit), monstrous creatures (all that grav, fat deathstar with preferred enemy, 8 lascannons with re-rolls) and infantry (6 heavy bolters or heavy flamers and one hell of an alpha strike) and can deploy a shit-tonne of ob-sec with durable bodies that re-roll to run and can hit and run to get even more movement, scouting forward (or outflanking against lists that are light on bodies but big on killy) thanks to Khan and even 2 empty drop pods for those maelstrom objectives you can't quite reach turn 1 or want to deny your opponent with his shitty decurion. Methinks I will be playing a lot more narrative missions from now on because competitive is getting stupid.
My suggestions to TOs would be to ban formations and detachments. They don't add anything to the game except brutal power and they are obviously a shameless cash grab from Games Workshop. Orks and Deldar will suck even more and Tyranids will have to think outside the three flying hive tyrants box, but everything else will be better. Eldar still broke but if you follow my advice from my last article - 1 heavy per 3 bikes, Wraithknight 400 points, -1 on D table for ranged D.
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