I have narrowed down my list for my local club tournament to the following two battle company lists, which I will be playtesting over the next two months. There is a warm-up tournament at the end of August and then the main event is at the end of September. I will be posting a lot of pictures as I prepare my lads and my display board because I realise I don't do enough hobby articles on this blog, more below:
The list that I will probably take is the following White Scars list. It is maybe a little strong for the scene, but it is the closest thing I can make to the Raven Guard outriders army that I really wanted to take. The reason I wanted to take that list was a) it was really fair and balanced and b) I had a cool idea for a display board for it. I still want to make that board, so I will probably take this list:
Khan with Moondrakan
Command squad with bikes, 4 grav guns and an apothecary
Tactical Squad (10) with Rhino, flamer, combi-flamer
Tactical Squad (10) with Rhino, flamer, combi-flamer
Tactical Squad (5) with Razorback, plasma cannon
Bikes (4) with meltagun x2, combi-melta, attack bike with multi-melta
Devastator Centurions with lascannons and missile launchers, omniscope
Chapter Master with bike, artificer armour, storm shield, power fist, auspex
Basically, you have lots of ob-sec and a few goods units with which to apply pressure. You play the mission in a big way. Often I will reserve a large number of ob-sec dudes so that I definitely have ob-sec late into the game. I will play the death-star conservatively to ensure I can use it for blood and guts and big game hunter when I have the card. The load-out means it can take just about any list. It doesn't even really fear orks (something bikes usually don't like) because the centurions can pop the transports and I have lots of flame.
I could (and might) put grav weapons on the centurions, attach Khan and scout them for much ass-kicking, but the lascannon load out fits my fluff better, fits the tournament better (variety of equipment and minimum cheese) and makes the centurions better tailored for sitting on a backfield objective, which I'm lacking a bit. That said, the razorback squad can do that just fine.
The fluff is that the Centurions were dropped by pod to secure an outpost behind enemy lines weeks ago and are running low on ammo. Relief forces are struggling to break through so an 'outrider' force is dispatched to re-supply them and/or evacuate them. It's fluffy because the outriders all have 'scout'. They will also all be painted with a lot of weathering to reflect that they've been ducking through a jungle for the past month making their way to the outpost. The tanks will also be covered in stowage (pics to come!) to show that they have been required to carry everyone's equipment with them the whole way. I love stowage on Rhinos. They make it possible to break up the large flat panels of colour to inject some variety and make the model pop a lot more. Sometimes I go a bit overboard but everyone seems to like my Rhinos.
The display board will feature a river. On one side will be the devastator centurions protecting a position. I might try to build a tower but I fear it will be too much of an eye-drag, so I will think of something else, like a relic or a casualty. On the other side of the river the rest of the army will be emerging from a canopy of jungle trees. The river will be overhung by a ruined bridge.The chapter master or Khan will be jumping off the bridge (I will model it, probably with a pin). for dramatic effect. One of the Rhinos will be driving into the water, which I will model with crystal water pellets that you melt to get a nice glossy effect and ripples. Hopefully I can get this tank to look like it is pushing water away from itself and creating a wake. That would be sweet.
However, if playtesting suggests that this list is a little bit too dick for the tournament and nobody will like me if I play it, I may instead run the following Imperial fists
Tactical Squad (10) with Rhino, flamer, melta-bombs
Tactical Squad (10) with Rhino, flamer, melta-bombs
Tactical Squad (5) with Razorback, heavy bolter
Bikes (4) with meltagun x2, combi-melta, attack bike with multi-melta
Devastator Squad (5) with rocket launcher x4
Librarian with force axe
Scouts (5) with bolters
Sternguard (7) with drop pod
Devastator Squad (5) with lascannon x4
I need to playtest this a bit. I worry that the sternguard will be smoked standing on their own downfield, even with Lysander there to tank some wounds. Might be nice to have the two big tactical squads in pods, but then I would need to buy two more pods. I'd also want them to have different equipment then (melta!) and I don't know where I could get the points. Maybe drop the attack bike and give the bikes flamers - turn them into a cheap ob-sec unit. If there are any points left over I can start putting combi-weapons into the Sternguard. Otherwise, I like this list because it has backfield coverage with the devastators, a good warlord, a psycher (we play book maelstrom) and plenty of mobile ob-sec.
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