Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Hobby: Sanguinary Guard

Club 40K tournament is coming up in a couple of weeks and I'm hard at work painting blood angels. I've got a display board planned with some skulls coming out of a hillside and a graveyard in the valley using pieces from my board from two years ago.

The theme I'm going with is statues, death etc. I've got 5 regular tactical marines in the list who have my standard emperor's ghosts colour scheme of bare-metal armour and ghost white faces. All the blood angels specific units in the list (2 Furiosos, Sanguinary guard as veterans and characters, and death company) will be painted to look like statues. The display board is a kind of resurrection ritual, and the list is themed around the descent of angels rule. Everyone but the 5 scouts can deep strike.

I'll have a post about the list. Here I just wanted to showcase one of my Sanguinary guard as character units - my librarian.

The Sanguinary guard dudes are painted with sandstone effects while the death company are painted with standard grey limestone effects. The dreadnoughts are going to be marbled.

This effect takes me a long time but not much precision to achieve. I spray the model white for the basecoat. Then I drybrush Tallarn flesh, wash ogryn flesh, drybrush again with Karak stone and then with deneb stone. These are all pretty heavy drybrushes, but each is a touch lighter and messier than the last. I then wash the whole thing with Seraphim Sepia. The second wave of drybrushing starts with elf flesh, then Ushabati bone and finally pallid wych flesh. I put a few very thin edge highlights of pure white around the place as well.

On these guys I do orange-yellow gemstone effects. On my death company they're pink gems. Power weapons I just drag to the tip - Mordian blue, Altdorf guard blue, Calgar blue, ice blue, white, then edge with white. Then I draw some lightning on with space wolves grey and then thinner white lines (not pictured). 

The wings I wash the basecoat with a watered down Drakenhoff Nightshade and then I paint multiple layers of thinned down white on to each feather, starting a millimeter or so further down the feather with each layer.

I'm pretty happy with the result. I've already posted photos of the Death Company. Will showcase the Dreadnoughts when I finish a fortnight or so.

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