I'm going to the UK for a few months at the end of the year and need to take a faction that doesn't require a lot of models. I was tossing up between shock army and Tohaa. Tohaa seem more powerful, so I'm going with that. I'm not looking forward to painting these bastards. I thought I'd start my tactical journey by jotting down my initial thoughts on each unit:
Chaksa Auxiliars
The smart heavy rocket launcher seems shit because guided missiles are always template anyway, DA is better than fire most of the time, and you would never use it in the direct fire mode because Chaksa are abysmal at shooting.
TR bot suffers from my usual aversion to TR bots, compounded here by the fact that the Chaksa has neurocinetics instead of TR and has only 1 level of unconscious. Pass.
The baggage bot though, now this guy is sexy. 10 point for a flamethrower wielding baggage bot is heaven. They are still vulnerable to AD troops and the like, but at least you'll take them with you. Having sensor is a just a bonus for when you're playing against superior infiltration and the like. I will often be taking close to 4 of these guys in ground control missions.
Chaksa servant
Just like a standard helper bot but but with 2 less move to get hyper-dynamics. Something tells me that's not a good trade, but we'll see.
Hatail Aelis Keesan
Quite handy, though expensive for a unit with only 1 wound. She's the only hacker you've got, so an auto-include when you highly classified is in the mix. Her rifle is solid (I would usually take the K1 I suspect), and she brings D-charges to make her an excellent classified objective scorer.
Kaauri Sentinels
Now that Hassassins are awesome, these guys suddenly became great. The stat line is miserable, but they have great kit. 12 points for 2 direct templates on a platform that reveals impersonators, or 19 points for the cheap and annoying sniper seem solid to me.
Kaeltar Specialists
Never leave home without them. 2 symbiomates is a minimum in any Tohaa list, and symbiobombs can be damn powerful as well with their ability to deal wounds to any target. Chain of command is just gravy. These guys are also excellent for filling out triads, especially the defensive ones.
Kamael light infantry
I would always try to avoid these guys. I have seen the sniper taken to pair-off with a gao-Rael or some such, but I just don't rate BS11 ever. There are better cheerleaders in Tohaa.
Kerail Perceptors
The beasts are great, though they would benefit immensely from impetuous. What let's this unit down is that the team leader only has PH10 for the smoke grenades, which suggests to me that these guys will be very order intensive. They're too expensive for that.
Kosuil Assault Pioneers
I am a huge fan of K1 combi-rifles because of their capacity to knock over anything and 0 SWC. The engineer here is a bit expensive at 29 points, but can do in a pinch for highly classified. The minelayer seems like a solid addition to a triad, especially paired with a viral-wielding Sakiel and a Makaul to help get them forward. 24 points seems expensive for the stats, but they do have 2W!
Holoprojector sucks IMO. You get that one tasty -6 but thereafter you're a loser.
Krakot Renegades
Love 'em to bits
Kumotail bioengineers
A solid engineer/doctor options (mostly doctor, but helps with classifieds). I will always have a sniper triad in Tohaa, so this chick would probably have to be on her own with 2 helpers. She can then join a team as things get depleted.
Nikoul ambush unit
I've gone cold on these guys. They're great objectively, but I think Tohaa can do better, namely the Sukeul ML triad. For a cheap solo sniper I think I prefer the Kaauri, because anything that gets a really good ftf against the sentinel will also beat the Nikoul. Still, 30 points for a 2W, good ftf sniper is nothing to be sneezed at, and will likely really slow your opponent down.
Rasail boarding team
These guys would be awesome if they could triad. They can't because they have a synch unit. As it stands, I think they would struggle to get forward economically, which isn't worth it for close to 40 points.
Sakiel Regiment
The viral combi chap is one of my go-to lieutenant options. Cheap, can potentially use the order (to drop into suppression notably), shoots decently with a very good gun, and brings Nimbus plus grenades, which can be weirdly excellent because they work on MSV units as well. I suspect the Makaul's eclipse will almost always be better though.
Sukuel Commando
These guys made Tohaa amazing. Before HSN3, Tohaa really struggled to get a HMG. These guys are awesome with an HMG thanks to BS13, Mimetism and 2 wounds, and they can triad.
What's more, the ML profile allows you to form one of the best defensive installations in the game, with 2ML and a Kaeltar providing mates. That will slow anything down, and anybody who comes too close to get under the ML range band gets eaten by a Makaul next turn.
Diplomatic Delegate
Great when you need to push a lot of buttons, otherwise I'd leave her at home. Using Switch and pretending he's the delegate is fantastic, but won't be around for much longer I suspect.
Fantastic but expensive, can't triad and is susceptible to smoke shooting. I'd rather take something else.
Gao Rael
A good partner to the Sukuel ML when you're in a mission that won't be chock full of HI and TAGs, giving you the capacity to kill skirmishers effectively thanks to MSV2, and also functioning quite well on the active turn. A shame Tohaa don't really have access to regular smoke, otherwise I would always have this guy for my standard turn 1 against Ariadna: throw smoke, discover shot, discover shoot, discover shoot...
Gao Tarsos
I am not a fan of AD unless it has mimetism (tiger soldier, Garuda). Extra wound is cute but I just think this guy is too expensive for no MOD stacks and PH12 with no way to boost it.
Taqeul Officers
I want to give these guys a try. Bugs could be great and the command abilities are neat. I just worry about the lack of a MOD stack.
Expensive without a MOD stack. I'd rather use Neema or a Sukuel with HMG
Great member of a triad. Advanced command is pretty helpful in Tohaa. Breaker's suck but the panzerfaust is fat on defence in a triad, and Neema can take a hit like a champ. Being a beast in close combat is great. The spitfire pares better with the viral pistol, but I kind of like the panzer - it is never expected.
Worst TAG in the game. No MOD stack, only 7 ARM, gets murdered by fire. Pass
Solid infiltrating specialist. Nothing special but I would definitely take an FO in highly classified and probably two of these in something like supplies where you have to jump on turn 1.
The only way I can see these being good is if you have a clipsos minelayer or can at least pretend that this guy is a mine, but because they can't shoot for shit I just don't see them being useful. Melee camo units are amazing, don't get me wrong, but only when there is mystery concerning what they are, hence why Nomads do that trick the best.
One of the top 5 units in the game. Fantastic complement to any triad with eclipse and good CC as well as a 2B heavy flamerthrower. Cheap orders as well.
Basic list building ideas:
Ground control and kill missions
Put 2 Sukuel MLs with a Kaeltar specialist, give the snipers mates and watch the carnage. The only thing you have to fear is a smoke shooting enemy, but even then, spend a mate and go prone, do it again with the other guys and that should buy you enough time to survive past turn 1.
Rest of the list would be two attack triads, one with a Sukuel HMG (AVA3!), Makaul and perhaps Kaeltar, the other with K1 Pioneer, Viral Sakiel (lt) and Makaul. Throw in a bioengineer with 1 or 2 servants for healing and sprinkle with Chaksa's and Kaauri.
Specialist missions
I would probably never leave home without most of what I described above, but I would probably swamp one Sukuel ML for a Gao-Rael with MSV2. I might also try to get a Kaauri sniper in, or perhaps even a Nikoul. You would probably need at least 1 clipsos, and you might need to change the pioneer to Aelis so you have a hacker with d-charges. No need for Chaksa here. Diplomatic delegate is almost certainly in this list, except for highly classified.
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