Friday, December 31, 2021

FUNdamentals: A beginner's guide to infinity

Note: I haven't finished this yet because it is long and I am always busy, but I will add to it occasionally until it is done.  

My hope is that this will be the #1 "must read" article on the internet when it comes to Infinity besides The Rules. That's a bold claim Cotton. Read on to find out if I succeed in delivering value. This guide is meant for beginners, but I hope that even advanced players will pick up a thing or two. At the very least, I will introduce some jargon terms that I use throughout this blog (like sniper traps and tarpits) that will help you understand other posts. I suspect it will be hard to absorb everything in this guide on a first read, so beginners will benefit from circling back to it as they progress to intermediate.