Sunday, July 23, 2017

How to play Onyx

When you've got a mission mix that needs a take-all-comers all-rounder list, look no further than the Onyx Contact Force. Straightforward to play, full of nasty tricks, robust to most of other peoples' tricks and capable of winning any mission against any opponent. Here's how I play them, with particular attention to deployment.

First up, the list(s).

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Vanilla Yu Jing lists

Got a tournament this weekend and I'm thinking of taking Vanilla Yu Jing (I change my mind a lot). YJ was my first faction and I really want to represent vanilla - I hate link teams; I think they basically ruin the game. YJ is perfect for that because their sectorials suck. They also got huge boosts from the last few mercenary release as they plug YJ's main weakness - shit defence. As such, they take advantage of the vanilla bonus (mercs) better than any other faction. Without further ado, lists! Note that I am writing this before the tournament; things might change.