Sunday, November 15, 2015

New Blood Angel's list

I played a game. I have made some changes.

I felt like I needed a few more bodies, and I really want to try the flak cannon furioso dreadnought (assault 2, STR6 rending template!). I was reminded of how shit Storm Ravens are - not enough DAKKA! I also thought Dante needed cheaper ablative wounds.

New list!

Dante (fusion pistol)
Librarian w/ jump pack, fusion pistol, ML1, sword
Tactical Squad (8) with drop pod, meltagun, combi-melta
Tactical Squad (5) with Rhino (might end up being scout squads)
Command Squad with jump packs, 3 meltaguns, apothecary, champion (must take a sword)
Death Company (10) with 2 fists
Furioso Dreadnought with pod, flak cannon, heavy flamer and magna grapple
Assault Squad (5) with pod, meltagun x2, combi-melta
Land Speeder with 2 multi-melta
Land Speeder with 2 multi-melta

You have 3 pods - the dreadnought, the tactical squad with Dante and the assault squad. With 6 meltaguns coming down you ought to be able to pop a transport and then the dreadnought can blow the contents to pieces with his templates. I'm not sure how well this will work given that if you don't explode the tank then the contents can hide from the dreadnought behind the wreckage. However, if they do this then your Dreadnought has cover from them. Alternatively, you can split up. The Melta can go for a high priority target and the dreadnought can find some isolated infantry to waste with all his ignore cover firepower.

I like the idea of Dante being embedded with some tactical marines right in the thick of the carnage. They offer cheap ablative wounds and Ob-sec the pod, and he is where he needs to be to run riot. Having him tag along with the command squad was nice for FNP but it meant they drew a lot of fire. This way my opponent is distracted from the Death Company and Command Squad by the Dreadnought and Dante in their back line. Having an ob-sec drop pod is also fabulous for when you need to claim or deny an objective in the early game in your opponent's deployment zone.

The command squad is now a sweeper unit. With the Librarian's fusion pistol they have 4 meltagun shots to open tanks and then they can charge the contents and carve it up with AP3 and STR5. The Librarian will often have quickening active which will help bring volume of attacks. The only thing they are scared of is 2+ saves, but they have the melta and Dante will go straight for such targets, as will the DC. An Axe on the librarian would help, but given that the champion must take the AP3 sword I figured it would be better to make the unit specialised at sweeping MSU space marine units and Necron warriors instead of trying to make it multi-purpose. Let's see how playtesting goes.

The DC is now a blob of death. The 5 man squads could be whittled down to ineffectiveness - these guys can't. If they hit your line you will die.

I've got the one Rhino squad left just to do some objective grabbing. My experience of Maelstrom is that you need something to sit on objectives in your backfield. Your only options are lascannon predators which are appalling or this cheap Rhino unit, which is neat because it can also turbo boost forward if need be. My kingdom for a land speeder storm - why can't BA scouts get these?

The two land speeders synergise with Dante's Warlord Trait and give me some speed to capture objectives in the late game. I find opponent's often ignore landspeeders, but if they don't the poor things die so easy. The extra melta is useful against very heavy armies like Guard and Chaos and for softening up MCs before I charge. I also find them handy for taking the last wound off things my command squad has whittled down with its own melta.

My biggest weakness remains Monstrous creatures because I don't have Grav to strip off wounds quickly and they can just take cover against the few melta shots that get through. Tau MCs are particularly bad news for me because I basically have to charge them and then all that overwatch annihilates me. Tyranids and daemons aren't much nicer though because they often pack a whallop in close combat. In these games I will generally try to play keep away with my hopefully superior speed, but a flyrant would be a real menace now that I have cut the Raven (that said, Raven's haven't done much against them in the past because of jink and then you can't even keep them in view because you're swooping).

Will hopefully try this out in a couple of weeks. Playing infinity at the moment, which I will write some stuff on. I'm really curious to see how the dreadnought goes. AR12 is so shit, and you need the extra attacks that codex space marines dreadnoughts get to really be scary in combat because the furioso can just whiff his attacks and get tied up by a combat squad for 3 turns.

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