Tuesday, December 22, 2015

A better comp list?

So I was thinking that maybe you can actually get the White Scars rush to work within the limits of the comp, it will just cost you 6 (I was desperate to stay under 5). The White Scars rush is absurdly brutal because if you can't get the scout thing going you can just outflank your entire army and come on later to grab objectives at your leisure. The constraints here as far as the community comp goes are as follows:


  • You pay 1 for having between 9 and 17 objective secured bikes (less than that is impossible with this list)
  • you don't want to go over 14 armour points (Rhinos cost 4 each)
  • you don't want to spend more than 16 non-standard deployment points (each bike squad is 2 plus 1 per squad of 8 or more scouters)
  • you don't want to have more than 11 relentless grav shots (combi's not included)
  • command squads on bikes are prohibitively expensive (1 for the squad, 1 for the apothecary and at least 1 for the grav guns)
  • Khan costs 4 on his own
  • the White Scars detachment cost 1 on its own
  • a chapter master would cost 1 plus 1 for having a bike plus 1 for having the shield eternal
  • the hunter's eye costs 1. 
You start with 5 because of Khan and the detachment. I set out to spend no more than 1 extra point. Here is what I came up with:


Khan on bike
Librarian on bike with sword, ML2, auspex
Chaplain on bike with auspex
Bikes (4+1) with 2 meltaguns, combi-melta, attack bike with multi-melta
Bikes (4+1) with 2 meltaguns, combi-melta, attack bike with multi-melta
Bikes (4) with 2 grav-guns, combi-grav
Bikes (3) with 2 flamers
Scouts (10) with combi-grav
Scouts (10) with combi-grav
Legion of the damned with Plasma cannon, plasma gun, combi-plasma
Devastator Squad with Rhino, grav-cannon x2, armorium Cherub
Devastator Squad with Rhino, grav-cannon x2, armorium Cherub
Devastator Squad with Rhino, grav-cannon x2, armorium Cherub

I actually got everything I really wanted (the two melta bike squads, 2 scout squads, the 3 devastator squads and a little sweeper squad with HQs) without going over 1500 points. It was actually hard to fill the rest out because so many things were off-limits, like more bikes, more armour, the chapter master, a command squad, pods etc. I eventually settled on a chaplain, more scouts and a legion of the damned squad.

The legionnaires bring a bit of extra ignores cover that will help against jinking bikes and tyranids in venomthrope bubbles. Sternguard are obviously better, but too expensive because I would need to bring a pod for them. I might discover that the two auspexes are enough; I'll have to playtest. I have opted for plasma rather than melta because I see these guys mostly killing heavy infantry units rather than tanks, so the extra volume of fire will be handy. Also, plasma cannons with ignore cover. What! If these guys turn out to be no-good they will be replaced by another 10 scouts.

I was always going to use two scout squads, but took a few more because scouts with hit and run are fantastic. Infiltrators go before scout moves. This means that in the mirror matchup (there will be at least 1 white scars Rhino Rush at the tourney) you can place the scouts in the middle to block your opponent's move and then scout up to their butts. Super nasty. This also works against the Eldar scouting grav-tank thingy that people sometimes use to counter bike lists, and gives you a 50/50 chance of not being defeated by a single infiltrating squad of kroot or stealth suits in the tau matchup. Besides that, have I mentioned that scouts are awesome! 55 points for ob-sec, space marine stats, a 4+ armour save, infiltrate, scouts (outflank) and move through cover. Superb. I would love to have an extra grav gun shot but I think the flamers are more important. Having 6 extra grav to add in on turn one will be great, and having 4 cheap-as-chips ob-sec units hanging around scoring while my bikes do work in the early turns will come in super handy. I will likely use the two units without grav to hold backfield objectives while the rest of the army goes forward. And they can outflank! And they can hit and run! This list scores so effectively with all the mobility and ob-sec it makes me feel sad.

Finally, the Chaplain takes the sweeper unit from annoying to dangerous. Re-rolls to hit on the charge and the ability to take some low-AP shots away from Khan thanks to the Rosarious is super handy (no slay the warlord here). I've gone for a sword on the Librarian so that this entire unit strikes at initiative, and so that they benefit mightily from iron arm, toughness and warp speed. He will hopefully land 1 of those with 2 rolls on the biomancy table. Perhaps this limits their effectiveness against things like Wraiths and Knobs, but I figure I have other tools for dealing with those, and Khan is still in at S5 and the Chaplain at STR6. The biker dudes provide ablative wounds and some cheap flamers. This unit is my main answer to hordes. With a grav-gun assist from a scout squad to concuss an enemy unit they can also go well against stand-alone targets like Daemon Princes.

Basic game plan should be obvious: alpha strike or outflank. The devastators can touch the entire board on turn 1 thanks to scout. 30 grav shots at BS2 (signum) or re-rolls to hit (cherub) with re-roll to wound - yes please! The meltaguns will also be in range (half range for the attack bike), so I should be able to drop transports and force other people's grav-cannons to bail out, which limits return fire. The other grav on the bikes and scouts assists with this alpha strike, and Khan and co advance stealthily, contributing auspexes to reduce the cover saves of a key target, like battlesuits, Wraithknights, jetbikes, dark reapers or a jinking hive tyrant who hasn't taken off yet.

If I go second I can consider the beta-strike (following a huge redeployment to try to collapse a flank) or I can outflank pretty much the entire army (some will have to stay behind so I don't get tabled turn 1) and play objective grabbing shenanigans the rest of the game.

A word on playing bikes or scout armies more generally. If you have a lot of speed and redeployment options, always try to collapse a flank. The more your opponent spreads out the more it helps you. If you put all your firepower into one half of the table you will vaporise it. Your opponent then struggles to do damage to your on the next turn because his return fire is out of range. Ironically, a lot of players think their best approach against fast lists is to spread out, because this means you have to come to them over several turns and they can shoot you as you come. But actually all it means is that they can never maximise things like rapid fire, stationary grav and the like. Play against bikes the way you would against daemons and drop pods - build a castle that forces your opponent to grant the units he really wants to kill cover saves or get inefficient shooting at minor units and then snap him on the counterattack. This is especially true against pods because if any of your transports survive you can tank shot out of there and spend the rest of the game chasing objectives.

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